Travel by TrainBLS (Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Railway)

BLS (Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Railway)

A breathtaking Swiss railway journey merging medieval Bern with stunning alpine landscapes and engineering marvels.

Stretching elegantly between the bustling Swiss capital of Bern and the Italian border at Domodossola, the Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Railway (BLS) is a scenic masterpiece of alpine engineering. The journey begins in Bern, a city where medieval architecture coexists harmoniously with modern urbanity. From there, passengers are whisked through rolling hills and picturesque villages to the awe-inspiring Lötschberg Tunnel, one of the world's longest railway tunnels. Emerging on the other side, the train navigates through verdant valleys and along the stunning shores of Lake Thun, before reaching the Simplon Pass, a remarkable feat of both natural beauty and engineering ingenuity.